We’ve Moved.

McGowan, Donnelly & Oberheu has moved locations! We are now located at: 2700 Via Fortuna Drive, Suite 145, The Terrace Austin, Texas, 78746 Please contact lolofsson@mdoinsurance.com to schedule your office visit today!

MDO is Growing

MDO is growing! December 2017 – MDO is pleased to announce the newest members of our Administrative team, Leidy Kasper and Jessica Jalomo.  As Administrative Assistants, Leidy and Jessica will clear submissions, process policies, endorsements and agent requests in support of our production team.  Welcome to the team!

Steve Sanford has joined MDO as an Account Executive

Steve Sanford joins MDO! February 6th, 2017 –  MDO is excited to introduce the newest addition to our Rocky Mountain branch, Steve Sanford.  Steve joins MDO from a prior wholesale insurance brokerage, and brings with him over eight years of management liability underwriting experience.  As an Account Executive, Steve will be responsible for the production […]

Bethany Asselin has joined MDO as an Account Executive

Bethany Asselin has joined McGowan, Donnelly and Oberheu, LLC (MDO) as an Account Executive. In this position, Bethany will be responsible for the production of new and renewal business and establishing new retail agency relationships. Bethany has more than ten years of professional and management liability experience and has spent time as both a wholesale […]

Cyber Attacks – Are You Covered?

DON’T LET YOUR CLIENTS BECOME A TARGET!   Network Security and Privacy Liability are exposures every insured has, yet the vast majority either have no coverage or insufficient coverage. There are dozens of products available, but there is no other product on the market like Beazley Breach Response (BBR). BBR is more than an insurance […]

New Hire: Tammy Bogner

It is with great pleasure that I announce that Tammy Bogner has joined The McGowan Companies as a Regional Sales Manager.